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Ashiatsu Floor

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Barefoot Trainer's Ashiatsu® Floor program brings the many benefits of traditional Ashiatsu Bar performed using overhead bars to the floor. Therapists utilize a chair, cane, and walker to perform a full body Ashiatsu floor massage. These tools give the therapist balance/support so that they can use their body weight, movement, and gravity to create deeper pressure than possible with traditional massage techniques using the upper limbs.


Your clients receive and experience the same therapeutic benefits with

Ashiatsu Floor as they would with Ashiatsu Bar. 


Barefoot Trainer's Ashiatsu Floor® is a great option for an Ashiatsu practitioner

who can't or doesn't want to install overhead Ashiatsu bars. Ashiatsu Floor is also very easy to travel with making at home Ashiatsu an option for your mobile massage business. A therapist can perform Ashiatsu Floor at events such as fundraisers, road races, and other large events that are good for marketing. Ashiatsu Floor really stands out at events amongst other therapists performing traditional upper limb massage techniques.

Ashiatsu Training Connecticut  Ashiatsu New Haven, CT  Ashiatsu Connecticut
Ashiatsu Stafford, CT  Ashiatsu Clinton, CT  Ashiatsu Certification Connecticut

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